Life lesson: Is a bargain, really a bargain?

Today was grocery store day. I had a list which consisted only of weekly digital deals for store card holders.
The big deals are when you buy 10 of an item. I don’t need 10 of anything. My pantry is already full. I live alone. I don't eat much and don’t cook much.
But there was a big special on one item that I do use regularly, so I bought five. That’s going to take a while to use.
I took my purchases to the self-check aisle.
I don’t know why I don’t go to the regular lane where the cashier says “How are you doing? Did you find everything you wanted? Do you need ice?”
I feel embarrassed that I am only buying the very cheap weekly special item. The cashier probably doesn’t care, but it seems like I’m cheating the store. They have to make a profit to stay in business. They aren’t making a profit on the items I am buying.
When my mother died and we cleaned out her pantry, she had 10 bags of sugar. She was 94. I’m glad I didn’t inherit her buy-10 genes.
Figuring all of this out when you’re trying to re-enter life takes some doing. Ten years ago, when I started my care taking duties, stores didn’t have buy-10 sales.
I guess I’ll just keep buying the bargains and let the store fend for itself regarding its profit margin.
How are you doing? Let me know, I care.
©2023 Our New Chances
Photo Credit: ©2023 Rachel Gareau