Life lesson: Watch out for grief thieves.

I had a friend visit who asked if I had something for a headache. I showed her the drawer where I keep a variety of NSAIDs. She informed me they were all outdated. I informed her they were not.
A few weeks after she left, I opened the drawer and the containers were gone. She had thrown them all away. I don’t know where or how, or in keeping with recommended guidelines for disposal of unwanted drugs, but they were gone.
The NSAIDs were not outdated. I buy a large container and downsize it to smaller bottles. I know where the mother bottle is. This practice is not recommended, but it is what I do. I do the same thing with Coca Cola, tissues and laundry soap.
When my new floor was finished, one of the men moving furniture back in, insisted one of the end tables belonged in a particular place. I insisted with three low-key corrections that was not where the table belonged. He still wouldn’t back down. I picked up the table and placed it where it was supposed to go, informed him it was my house, and that I did know where my own furniture was supposed to be placed.
Upon looking at the new chest-cabinet in my bathroom with a visitor, and upon casual comment I was going to re-paper, the visitor told me I didn’t need to re-paper, that it looks good the way it was. And that wallpaper was out, anyway.
What is it with these people? My spouse passed away nearly a year ago. Did I become stupid all of a sudden?
At a time, when I am still grieving and suffering the consequences of accompanying energy loss, I don’t need to expend what energy I have to defend myself and my things.
Is there a magnet that draws these people and that releases their God complex?
Whatever it is, it is not welcome. Are these people usually like that and this gives them an excuse? Do they think they are helping?
I certainly don’t have the answer. What I do know is that I have become super-sensitive, maybe overly so. Also, I do not like to be insulted.
Warning: Do not come into my house and make decisions for me. I am trying to re-enter life, not regress into childhood.
I hope this isn’t happening to you. Let me know how you are doing. I care.
© 2023 Our New Chances
Photo Credit: © 2023 Rachel Gareau